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Writer's pictureLouise Stephens

5 Simple Steps To A 10k Launch

Are you dreaming of having a 10k launch? You have crunched the numbers so you think you know what you need to get there but you just don't know if you have the right method behind you. You are excited... but not too excited and the nerves are starting to kick in.

I have created many launches in my time, many that have not worked so I have done the rounds and now know what does work and today I want to share exactly that with YOU!

Here are my top 5 tips on how to have a successful 10k launch:

Step #1. Your newest freebie, service offering, program MUST solve YOUR CLIENTS BIGGEST problem - not what YOU think their biggest problem is!

- This means you need to.... research, research, research!

Step #2. You know your numbers

1:1 consultations vs 1:many course and programs are two VERY different business models!

In my experience I found with myself and my clients that 1:1 services were often priced higher but because there was a lot of people contact (like a discovery call for example) it was easier to convert more with less.

HOWEVER when it comes to e-courses and programs this couldn't be further from the truth! You need a considerably larger audience to accommodate a lower conversion.

Take this example to understand more:

Let's say your launch goal is to make $10,000 and the price of your new offering/program is $2000. This would mean you need 5x sales to reach your goals.

Now in terms of the potential members you need to reach that goal you need to work out a conversion rate and the value of the platform that you'll be sharing your launch with.

Today let's go with averages: The average conversion rate for e-course/programs is 3%. If your launch was in line with this you would need a total of 167 people to see your offer.

Now you might be thinking "excellent, I have 500 followers on IG and 200 on FB, I'm going to nail this launch and exceed my expectations.

BUT... the thing is that not all people on each platform are created equal.

On average between 2-3% of your IG and FB followers see your posts. So you can expect out of your 800 followers on those two platforms to equal 24 out of the 167 of people you need to see your offer. 😮 FB groups: on average 2% of the members will see your posts.

So if you've got 300 members that will equal 6 people.

LinkedIn: Again on average 2% of your connections will see your posts.

If you have 500 connections that will equal 10 people.

Email database: The good news is that this is higher and on average 20-25% of your audience will see your audience and contribute toward the amount of people you need to see your launch and say yes to working with you.

And if you have a database of say, 600 people then between 120-150 will see your launch emails.

When we add all this up then between 160-190 out of your audience of 2200 will see your launch content and on average 3% of them will invest, assuming that all those people are in alignment with your offer and are your target audience.

Do you see now that launches are a numbers game and outside of your peak promotional times it's equally as important to be focusing on increasing your audience across as many platforms as you can?

So many people go into a launch setting big goals for themselves and when they don't reach them they feel flat, deflated and that there's something wrong with them (trust me, been there and brought the t-shirt!)

If this is you I have now broken down step by step how to set yourself a REALISTIC goal, calculate how many people will see the content of your launch and then plan for future launches too!

Now, what's next??

Step #3. There's so much more to a successful marketing campaign than posting a few times on your social media pages. The secret to having your offer seen by the number of eye balls required is to think bigger picture and strategically sprinkle your magic and offer in as many places as you can. Think...

- Stories - Email marketing

- Asking your network to share

- FB groups if you're allowed to self promote

- FB business and personal page banner

- Google

- Paid Ads (if you have allocated budget)

Selling anything is a numbers game and in this situation the more eyeballs on your launch the more opportunity you have to gain new followers/email subscribers and sales.

Step #4. Your marketing plan MUST align with your target audience. Use THEIR voice in your marketing so when they read or see your content they feel seen and confident that you understand their problems and have the solution to help.

This was one of the biggest reasons I had 68 failed FB Ad campaigns and at least 6 failed product launches spanning over 2 years. I was offering an amazing service and program but I wasn't communicating in a way that my audience felt that it was for them.

Step #5. Celebrate EVERYTHING!

A launch in itself is a huge success and regardless of the outcome you will learn so much more than what you did before. Detach from the outcome by knowing your numbers - celebrate new followers + subscribers even if they don't turn into sales, they are interested in what you do and want to get to know YOU and YOUR service more.

So, there you have it, my 5 simple steps to a successful 10k launch!


Did you know we offer a 2 week launch package?

To discover more about how you can launch your next course or program intake with confidence then we'd love to see if our 2 week launch package is for you.

Book in a complimentary call with Lou or a member of the team to find out more about this package and how we can help you achieve your launch goals! Click here to book your call now.

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